Sunday, March 15, 2009

New Whoppers Flavors

I tried two of the Whoppers malted milk ball Easter flavors - vanilla milkshake and blueberry. I hear there is an orange milkshake version out too, but the thought doesn't even entice me so I didn't seek them out. A year ago, I reviewed the awesome Reese's Whoppers. Like the Reese's, these feature a flavored coating in place of the original chocolate.

The vanilla milkshake flavor is okay. It really doesn't taste very vanilla. The flavor is buttery and salty, and has more in common with white chocolate than vanilla. The blueberry flavor makes me happy. When I opened the tiny milk carton and smelled inside I was reminded of Smurf Berry Crunch cereal. Children of the 80s may remember this wonderful cereal inspired by the fictitious Smurf berry. The flavor of Smurf Berry Crunch cereal was not comparable to any natural substance. It was sweet and berry-inspired and when I was 8 years old, it was awesome. It still holds a soft spot in my heart, therefore the blueberry Whoppers are a winner in my book. As an added bonus, they are Smurf colored. Coincidence?


  1. Cool! We saw strawberry Whoppers at the Hershey store in Times Square.

  2. Michael5:18 PM

    Now that Easter's done, where can we still get these yummy blueberry whoppers? I bought several boxes at 90% off to try them... they're awesome! I need more! :)

  3. I emailed Hershey and asked them if the blueberry flavor will be available year-round. Here is the response:

    "We are pleased to hear from consumers who enjoy our products. We are committed to the highest standards of excellence. WHOPPERS Blueberry Candy is produced only during the Easter season. Consumer demand plays an important role in the products that are produced. Your comments are valuable and have been forwarded to the Marketing Department."

    Looks like we'll have to wait until next year for a new batch!

  4. Michael9:13 PM

    Thanks for checking on that, JoAnn! I was afraid of that. But, much like many other Easter candies, such are the blueberry Whoppers. I suppose we have plenty of time to build up that anticipation. ;)

  5. Anonymous7:41 PM

    I can't find them this year....
