Saturday, February 13, 2010

Cupcake Pebbles

I usually don't write about non-candy products but I can't keep this to myself. Cupcake Pebbles. That's right, Fruity Pebbles cereal only cupcake flavored.  It tastes and smells just like vanilla cupcakes. Trust me on this one. If you like cupcakes, you must get a box. I found this box at Meijer.

You're welcome.


  1. Anonymous12:03 PM

    I saw this! I will be picking someup..I love the new "cake" flavored non-cake products....Birthday Cake ice cream is awesome!

  2. I can't find this in any stores near me, but it looks delicous. what store did u find that in, if I may ask? Thanks, and I love your blog!

  3. I found the Cupcake Pebbles at Meijer in the Michigan area. I don't remember seeing them at any other grocery store but hopefully they will catch on and be widely available.
