Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Ummmmm, mango!

Recently I've become a big fan of mangos and mango-flavored treats. While this flavor has yet to really make it big in the American market, I can sometimes find it in candies from Mexico, or US candies in which the package is written in both English and Spanish (you know what I mean). Last night I tore into a package of Tropical Fun Dip not knowing what to expect but being pleasantly surprised. Whereas traditional Fun Dip comes with grape, cherry, or apple flavored powder accompanied by a chalk white Lik-A-Stix, Tropical Fun Dip branches off into the exotic with strawberry, watermelon, and mango flavored powder with a lime flavored Lik-A-Stix. The strawberry and watermelon powder were just okay, but the mango powder was super tasty. Eating it I felt like I was lying on a beach in Puerto Vallarta. However, the lime Lik-A-Stix gets a thumbs down from me. It was kinda bitter and just not good. I usually enjoy eating the chalk white Lik-A-Stix, but this time once the powder was gone I just threw this lime mess in the trash.

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