Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Yummy Strawberry Chocolates

Not only is Aldi's a good place to buy discount cookies, they also sell these delicious Choceur Mini Chocolate Bars. The bars come in a variety of flavors, but even without trying all of them I can tell you that my favorite are the strawberry which are described on the box as "milk chocolate bars with a strawberry yogurt creme filling".

Each package contains 11 individually wrapped Kit-Kat size bars. The creamy milk chocolate that surrounds the yogurt filling has a slight, but pleasant, hazelnut taste which I attribute to their being made in Germany. To me, German chocolate always seems to have a distinct hazelnut flavor to it. But perhaps my favorite part of this chocolate bar is the strawberry yogurt filling. The yogurt contains tiny bits of strawberry. I don't know if they are real, dehydrated strawberries, or something manufactured, but whatever they are, they're good. I would make a trip to Aldi's just to pick up another box of these.

(Thanks to the Elk for the strawberry chocolates!)

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