Friday, November 02, 2007

Creme Eggs for Christmas?

As we gradually enter the Christmas season, loads of holiday-themed candies will be hitting store shelves. And what makes us think of Christmas more than the Cadbury Creme Egg ? Nope, that wasn't a typo, the Easter staple is now being marketed for Christmas as the Cadbury Ornament Creme Egg. A co-worker gave me two that she recently purchased at Walgreen's. The Ornament Creme Egg is exactly like the traditional Creme Egg except that it has a red, snowflake-covered foil wrapper.

I personally know some Creme Egg lovers that will be very happy to hear this. As for me, I'm still working on making it through the egg I started 30 minutes ago. I enjoy the flavor in moderation, but sometimes the ultra-sweet fondant is too much for me to handle in large quantities, especially considering I haven't even had lunch yet. I'm a bigger fan of the mini Creme Eggs which come out at Easter. Maybe they'll have mini Ornament Creme Eggs? I'll have to investigate.


  1. Anonymous2:50 PM

    You may fact check with Thee Kurt but I can eat an entire "caddy" as I call them in one bite, without opening my mouth for air.

    How'dya like that?

  2. While I've never been a huge fan of the Cadbury Creme Eggs, Cadbury makes perhaps my favorite chocolate candy (that's not a candy bar) ever. Cadbury Mini-Eggs have been a part of my life since their inception. And I delight in their tasty, chocolatee goodness. What's your opinion of the Cadbury Mini-Eggs.

  3. I LOVE Cadbury Mini Eggs! Good call. They are one of my all-time favorite Easter candies. Breaking through that thin crunchy shell to get to the cool, cocoa-y chocolate - ahhhh, what could be better? Now I want some.
