Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Me and candy go way back...

This may sound weird, but I believe my destiny lies in candy. When I think back to when I was younger, some of the best times have involved candy - buying, eating, selling, hoarding. Candy just makes me happy, simple as that. The taste, the colors, the packaging - I love it all.

When I was growing up on Larkins there was a corner store around the block which me and my sisters would frequently visit when we had some spare change, or our mom sent us to buy her a pack of Winstons (obviously this was way before they required people to be 18 with an ID in order to buy cigarettes). The store didn't have a name, we just called it "the corner store" and the man who worked there we called "Butcher", because he was also a butcher. It was a tiny place with a meat counter in back and old wooden floors that creaked, but the main attraction for me was right in the front of the store - the candy counter. All the candy was behind glass and we'd give our orders to Butcher which he'd put in a little brown bag. It was at Butcher's candy counter that I discovered Mary Janes, Lemonheads, Alexander the Grape, Wacky Wafers (so good, but no longer made), Chik-O-Stik, Sixlets, Hubba Bubba, Bottle Caps, Lik-M-Aid (now known as Fun Dip), and what may have been the start of my obsession.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:01 PM

    I have some sweet memories of walking up to MRA Market (Michigan Racing Association) on Schoolcraft (just down the street from the horse racing track)and buying Mary Janes, Black Jacks, Lick A Maid and my favorite, lipsticks.
